#anyway they wont admit it but they have a lot of fun
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galaxicnerd · 1 year ago
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jcpenny photoshoot for their birthday or something
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solplease · 1 month ago
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here's something no one asked for, my ocs when they were a bit younger! :] (more like how they were in highschool lmfao) ((not aster tho sorry my king. u did not have a highschool.))
as always, close ups and more info under the cut!! OH and i put an updated relationship chart at the very end!! it's in writing this time because i thought that would be easier (it's long.) </3 i am so sorry in advance there's a lot under this HAHA
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lune was a little shit, he's very rebellious now but he was even more rebellious when he was a teenager lmfao
he would CONSTANTLY get into fights, anyone that pissed him off he did not hesitate to attack
his relationship with his parents was already bad but it quickly deteriorated at this point in time
he was relatively popular in school but uh, everyone stayed away from him or tried to be on his good side because... well yk! didn't wanna get attacked..?
also people thought he was annoying but hey at least he was good looking!
he did not know he was popular btw. like at all, no idea, still doesn't know
his grades were like... okay, not great, but not bad, and he would skip class a lot... dumbass
his nails were constantly painted different colours bc cecilia would do them often, he was also never seen without a bracelet on his right wrist
huge troublemaker (some things never change!)
he hasn't really changed since then lmao
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she was a bit more reserved back in highschool, still nice and friendly but she had a hard time approaching others because she was nervous (and others found her a bit intimidating cause she didn't smile much) ((and she's related to lune and that guy was known for being crazy))
her and lune were known as "those rich twins"
was constantly stressing over lune because of how much he got in trouble it's not like their parents would do anything about it.
kept her hair long and undyed! she liked doing different things with her hair and would try out diffy styles a lot of the time
she liked having long hair, and randomly cut it off impulsively lmfao (3 am on a school night, she couldn't sleep and was like ok why not)
good student, wasn't always at school but she was doing well
hated going to school, couldn't tell you why, just hated it
she was really awkward as a teen, but she was trying her best
always had bracelets on, if you saw her she had a bunch on her left hand, and then just one on her right.
always had her nails done (she did them herself ^^)
would always carry a few hair ties on her in case any one needed to tie their hair
one time she tried to be cool and approached a girl who didn't have a hair tie and just dropped it in her hands and walked away (she then walked out of class bc she felt embarrassed)
she tried out a lot of different clothing styles
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so, he still had a shitty sleep schedule!
hard to find, he was always somewhere, no one knew where tho
good student, did not give two shits about school though
not very memorable? he was quiet and would leave as soon as he could
every time there was a group project he would ask the teacher to work alone
didn't have any friends.
his classmates were kinda scared of him lol
would braid his hair a lot
had blue on him at all times, there will ALWAYS be blue in his outfits, whether it’s the shirt, pants, or a hair tie, he always had SOMETHING blue on him (this applies now too)
no one really knew much about him, and he liked keeping it that way
fuckass edgelord (kinda)
he was always like 5 minutes late to his first class (there was a cat that would wander around in front of the school and... he couldn't resist)
he would go see that cat every day btw. before and after school, he would also go eat lunch outside so he could see the cat (and he always brought something for it too!)
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very social! had a lot of friends and was very outgoing
always doodling in class
he was rather popular! and well i guess some people didn't like that
he was known as the rich kid but people were always giving him things because he was super sweet HAHA
a really bright and helpful guy
he was usually seen with a smile on his face
it's a shame how things turned out, hm?
he would bring his shoujo manga to class and just read that (he was always sitting at the back of the classroom bc he was tall so the teachers didn't really pay attention to what he was doing)
and in the rare chance his teachers saw him doing something other than classwork they would mostly let it slide, he's a good kid, so it's fine (favouritism.)
lowkey the typical popular shoujo manga male lead (wow! just like he wanted!)
really good student too, always on top of his stuff
he had these sword earrings that he really liked, he used to wear them a lot!
always wore darker and muted colours, and liked more comfortable clothing
no one said anything but they really missed him after he left, maybe if someone helped him, things would've been different
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was completely different when he was younger
always angry, or sad, no one really knew what he looked like when he smiled
no one knew what was going on with him
but he was quiet, and didn't talk to many people, he wasn't a mean or scary kid, but people were still intimidated by him
his hair was longer and uneven, it looked like he had cut random bits and pieces
he was smart but wasn't doing so well in school
it always looked like something was stressing him out
he would stay behind after school
tense and uneasy most of the time
hair super healthy tho LMFAO (his mom would oil his hair regularly!)
he was completely different around his mom though, his source of comfort
if anyone from highschool saw him now they'd think he was a completely different person (in terms of personality, since he looks... pretty much the same)
although, in the last few months of highschool, his demeanor had changed for the better, he didn't smile much still but he looked a lot more relaxed and calm
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aster: (his stuff is different because he didn't have school in his world lmfao. but here's how he was as a teenager and some other info about him!)
his hair was reallyyyyyyy long when he was still in his world (you end up cutting his hair when he came here lmfao)
he was really lonely because he was the only elf in his world and he had no company whatsoever
he ended up collecting a lot of things because he would wander around a LOT
dora the explorer has nothing on him bro
he was (and is) very curious about things, he really likes to learn
he somehow learned how to braid his own hair, would spend a lot of time doing that when he was bored
he has a horrible sense of fashion, you took him shopping once and he picked out the worst fucking outfits in existence, you're basically his personal stylist cause what the hell
he likes when you dress him up though teehee
he originally saw you in a mirror he found when wandering in the forest
he became really really curious about you and accidentally yanked you to him
he was confused but really happy
blah blah blah you end up living together, we all know the story! (if you don't, you suggested he followed you because you felt bad for him cause he was PAINFULLY lonely)
you took it upon yourself to cut his hair because it was REALLY long when you first met him, he likes having his hair long though, mourned the loss of his two front strands (he will be growing them back.)
he didn't talk to you for a few days after you cut his hair for the first time, wasn't your fault... you accidentally cut off one of the front strands and had to cut the other off to make it even
fun fact about him, his eyes glow in the dark, it can be scary at times.
oh and his ears are expressive, dunno how that works but it does! and he also never goes a day without wearing earrings! he prefers the ones he came with but doesn't mind wearing whatever as long as he has earrings haha
now for the updated relationship chart! (this whole post has been about them from a few years ago but this is their current relationships with each other!)
ROWAN -> LUNE: he’s a weirdo but i’m glad we’re friends, i can handle his craziness more than most people… probably, i’d say he’s like a brother to me, but at the same time i’d probably lose my mind if he was my brother. no idea how cecilia does it
LUNE -> ROWAN: somehow he’s gotten used to me, he’s not so bad, i guess i’d call him a friend
ROWAN -> CECILIA: she’s like a little sister to me! cute! we’re good friends :] i met her through lune, they’re close! we’re like siblings the three of us
CECILIA -> ROWAN: reliable and nice! i wonder how he’s friends with lune. also. we’re the same age?? he’s real sweet tho, and he’s kind of like a big dog? haha
ROWAN -> NOX: who? :D
NOX -> ROWAN: i’ve seen him before (around the twins) he’s close to cecilia and that other guy who she's unfortunately related to
LUNE -> CECILIA: my little sister <3 we are best buddies, i’d do anything for her, she was there with me in our hardest moments, i wouldn’t let anyone hurt her, and she wouldn’t let anyone hurt me, one of the only people i’ll listen to lmao (she’s kinda scary when she’s mad at me but it’s also kinda funny?) i like bothering her but she might kill me one day though. she hides herself a lot, i don’t know why, it’s always been like this. i wonder if it’s because of me..?
CECILIA -> LUNE: dawg you’re like two minutes older than me (won’t deny the best buddies comment) he’s a really good brother though… but tough to deal with, he’s always causing some sort of trouble, but uh, well. anyway, we’re basically best friends… his words, not mine (she’s lying) he’s crazy but he’s not a bad person..? <- would defend him with her life. he’s an interesting fella that’s for sure, i’ve known him my whole life but there’s always something new with him lmfao. sometimes he comes into my room to knock something over and then he leaves, what an odd guy.
LUNE -> NOX: cocky asshole. so annoying. go to hell already. and stay away from my sister, i don't want you plaguing her with your presence.
NOX -> LUNE: fuck you insane bastard, go die.
CECILIA -> NOX: he’s pretty sweet (??????) we’re really great friends! i didn't think we would become such good friends tbh, he didn't seem to be the social type, and i'm not very social either haha... we're pretty similar i think! i can't remember who approached who first but that's fine. also, this guy has one of the worst damn sleep schedules known to man, i worry for that man. also, him and lune hate each other, no idea why.
NOX -> CECILIA: she's a close friend, i don't usually like making friends cause they end up thinking i'm weird, i don't really care about that but... i'll admit, it's nice to have a friend. she acts really differently in front of other people than she does with me, i don't think she's realized though? it's like having a cat open up to you haha, so i won't say anything. i hate her brother though, pretentious dickhead.
CASSIAN -> CECILIA: we were kids when i met her and her brother? she’s nice… and a lot like me… we still talk, she’s a good friend, thanks for keeping me company… and thanks for not asking me too many questions either
CECILIA -> CASSIAN: oh! cass is a childhood friend! we met at some event, he’s changed a lot since then, but i guess we’re more alike now? he doesn’t come out of his house much anymore, but we still text often. sometimes i see him online really late... bro... please get some sleep.... anyway, i never got to know what happened with him, and he doesn't like talking about it either, i won't pry though, because i understand.
CASSIAN -> LUNE: he’s scary, but i guess he’s not that bad..? i talk to him too, we’re not the closest, but he’s still a friend, i text him sometimes, he’s crazier than before, he was fun to hang out with when we were young, not that i don't like him anymore, he's definitely... special
LUNE -> CASSIAN: i don’t know what happened to him, but he doesn’t leave the house anymore, he’s not bad. he texts sometimes, i don’t know why because i think he’s scared of me, no idea why tho (???) i guess he’s a childhood friend? him, ceci, and i used to hang out before… well yeah, still don't know what went down
CASSIAN -> NOX: oh… i’ve never met him. cecilia’s told me about him before, lune’s mentioned him once, they have really different opinions about him
NOX -> CASSIAN: no clue, cecilia’s mentioned him before, i think he’s friends with her and… the other one.
CASSIAN -> ROWAN: another one of lune and cecilia’s friends i think? they sure are popular. (even lune???)  i dont know anything about him though
ROWAN -> CASSIAN: no idea who this guy is! 
ASTER: ??? :’D 
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daisybell-on-a-carousel · 8 months ago
Honestly fascinated learning more of the fanon vs canon going on here. Truly tempted to read Tim's comics just to see the extent of what's been done to him
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alyimoss · 23 days ago
YES YES YES IVE NOTICED THIS BEFORE!!!! the reverse is also true: chara calls asgore dad, but toriel is just toriel. both have a parent theyre closest with
that does make me think tho like. frisk seems to me like he would either call both parents just by their name or call both mom and dad. not pick one and leave the other. hes shown to be more considerate of the residents of xtale in later timelines than chara, whos grown much more disillusioned, hateful, and violent. chara has way fewer problems treating people more poorly because in his mind the end justifies the means and as long as the goal hes working toward is noble (which. it at first is but later twists into something completely different. but i think he still considers it noble and the "best outcome for everyone" and thats ahat matters most to him) any horrible thing he does is completely fine. hes playing on the same battlefield as xgaster, after all, so he has to adopt his same tactics. frisk, though also shown to have grown more hateful and violent and disillusioned, shows a lot more hesitation in using and/or hurting the residents of xtale.
anyway, all that to say that he just doesnt rlly strike me as the type of guy to just exclude one parent, especially if it hurts/saddens them. like i could be completely wrong and hes just got a preference contrasting charas bc siblings, but. idk.
bc chara not calling toriel mom immediately makes me think of timeline III. the timeline right after the one where chara got the father figure he yearned for. it was the first timeline to use underswap as a base instead of the original timeline. in the episode, we see both frisk and chara sitting in toriels lap. frisk is chatting happily with her, but chara looks livid
i wonder if chara refuses to call toriel mom because she hasnt been the mother he knew for so, so long. she doesn't even know it. and swap toriel taking asgores role and some if not all of his personality (depending on the interpretation), it probably felt to chara like she was trying to replace asgore. a shoddy stand in, smiling at him almost in mockery as he has to mourn the death of his father alone because noone except for him, frisk, xgaster, and alphys even know he died. for all the other residents of xtale, that series of events never happened.
toriel asks him whats wrong and he has to fight the urge to snap at her, to yell at her that she knows. she knows and shes mocking him. that shell never be him. that she shouldnt have ever dared to do something like this so close to his death. and he only barely holds that all in because he knows shes not doing this on purpose. she doesnt know what happened. she didnt ask to be remade in someone else's image. she doesn't even know she has been
the whole situation fuels his hatred of xgaster more, because now more than ever he feels like hes being toyed with. first it was just the world. just seeing what changed. and then one of the most precious things to him was taken from him by the very man who promised him the world, a marionette facsimile dangling by strings from the claws chara couldve sworn he didnt always have.
and again, its not toriels fault. but it leaves such a strong impression on him that she forever changes in his eyes. shes no longer the loving mother. shes someone who doesnt belong, someone he doesnt recognize as his own. she changed from who she was when she WAS his mom, all the way back in timelines I and II, and the mother he loved is dead. gone. erased. irreplaceable. and no matter what xtoriel does, chara can never bring himself to call her mom again
and, on the contrary, he latches to asgore hard. because hes also changed, hes not exactly as he remembers him, but hes back. hes alive. hes still asgore and hes still his father and he missed him so much. he doesnt care about the smaller details, nothing matters except the fact that his father is back. that the man who gave him hope and support and company when he felt so crushingly lonely under the weight of losing his world is back, and that means chara isnt alone anymore. hes not hopeless. and he holds to that tiny hope as tight as he can
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#i could probably try to analyze why frisk prefers toriel based on like?? associated traits. idfk#i havent slept i just spent like 6 or 7 hrs cleaning my fridge 😭😭 im exhausted#but god do i love talking abt xtale#this is actually the first time ive really considered how mocking timeline III was. esp to chara#having his father killed and knowing he wont ever come back bc the man who controls his world has decided he must become someone else#and taunted by someone who has been made his replacement without even knowing it. someone who has his mannerisms and his quirks#and his interests but its *not* him and the whole world just feels so completely wrong. everything he knew is gone and yet...#its also right in front of him#and then its all torn away yet again as xgaster overwrites faster than ever#chara doesnt even get an adjustment period or anything. he has not grown to know this world like his own#and he doesn't even get a chance#yknow. during the xevent i doubt chara had much uhh. positive interacion with cross. but.#i wonder if his sneering and teasing and complaining just grinds to a halt sometimes because something cross said sounds so much like his#(charas) life. he will never admit it#but he sees a bit of himself in cross. or a lot of himself actually. theyre pretty similar in several ways#and though he would usually be quick to make fun of cross mo matter what he says#he just cant help but remember the anger and the despair and the fear that gripped him back then and he just.#lets cross be for a while. he has no words to offer. not that hed know how even if he did. he cant offer much in terms of physical comfort#not that he ever would#but he recognizes that pain and for a brief moment remembers who the enemy is and what hes fighting for#what awaits him if he wins. why he HAS TO win#and for a second he remembers wishing for someone who could take away his suffering even temporarily#and in a quet and solemn moment he just. lets cross weep over the world forever gone#and pretends he himself isnt thinking of a home he year s for just as bad#anyway i almsot passed out like six times wroting this. im genuinely starting to see shit lmao#hopefully the tags wont get deleted.....#finking#rebog
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onmykneesformatt · 7 months ago
🍒cherry candy🍒 -m.s.
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synopsis: one of your biggest insecurities is matt’s favorite thing in the entire world. so what happens when you go on a shopping spree?
warnings: SMUT, softdom!matt, fem!reader, no use of y/n, semi-public sex, PRAISING OH MY LORDDDTT, unprotected p in v (safe sex is great sex, betta wear a latex), boob play for DAYS, mentions of body dysmorphia, i don’t think anything else???
a/n: this is a lil slow but i'm hoping y'all like it anyways >-<. y’all were HEAVY on the tittyguy!matt shit, so i decided to treat y’all and give y’all a fic😛🍒🌺 ENJOY SLUTS!!🍒🎀🌺
“let’s start at target! they have those billie eilish shirts for her newest album!”
you giggled like a little girl, practically skipping into the target while holding matt’s pinky.
“alright, your choice.” he smiled, happy that you’re finally getting out of the house more.
you’ve been staying inside for the past couple weeks.
he picked up on signs that it was about something someone might’ve said at your family reunion. he loved your body, and he thought anyone who didn’t was insane.
you admitted to him after the first week straight of not having sex or even being half-naked around him while getting dressed everyday.
“what’s up with you? you used to love putting on fashion shows every morning while changing, but you haven’t for, what? two weeks now? it’s so cute, and i love it. what’s wrong?”
“it’s nothing.”
“it’s something.”
he stood up from the edge of the bed to stand in toe-to-toe with you, your back almost touching the closet door.
“uhm.. i-“
“you can tell me, pretty girl. i wont judge you.”
“mhm, okay. well, do you remember my dads side of the family?”
“oh, god.”
he scoffed, knowing what you were about to say.
“well, at the family reunion, they wouldn’t stop bringing up how i was looking ‘more exposed’ than a college girl should, and kept staring at my boobs. i didn’t take any of it to heart at first, but then my cousins started whispering to eachother. i mean, i get it, i might’ve gained some weight since the last reunion, but it still hurts. and i can only imagine how they felt seeing my thighs and stomach. i went swimming! they practically saw everything they needed to make fun of me!”
he grabbed your waist, pulling you into a hug against his chest while you caught your breath.
“baby. are you kidding? do you know how often i imagine myself between those thighs while i’m at meetings? how i love pressing on your stomach to push you closer against me when i’m behind you? and, oh my god. those boobs. i would lay on them all day if i could. have you ever noticed how when we’re laying down, my hands just ‘happen’ to move up to your chest? or when you’re.. y’know.. on top of me, i use them to relieve ‘stress’?”
he was helpful whenever it came to compliments. more than helpful.
“i know. but almost every girl in my family has the perky, slim look. i don’t think i’m overweight or anything, but compared to them i must look huge.”
matt shook his head at your comment, knowing that no matter what you wore, you looked like a goddess to him.
“you’re not, baby. you’re perfect.”
he backed up, having a cheesy grin on his face. the same face he makes when he’s about to say something funny but kind of corny.
“i mean, you’re like cherry candy to me.”
you giggled, wiping away the light tears on your face.
you felt safe again.
the morning after, you started doing your fashion shows again. matt smiled knowing he was able to bring you so much comfort, and also bring back your confidence.
”how about this?” you grabbed the light brown, one-piece bathing suit that had a sheer cover-up attached to it.
“you would look amazing in it. but, i thought you didn’t like one-pieces because of the way they felt on your skin?”
“i don’t,” you looked down, starting to fidget with the price tag. “but, i don’t know. there’s gonna be a lot of girls at this pool party.”
“so?” it slipped matt’s mind. again. he thought you were perfect, so he saw no issue with the way you looked.
“oh.” he remembered. the comments from your dads side of the family shouldn’t have stuck the way they did. he tried to keep his composure, trying not to imagine the way you must’ve acted after they would say things like that. he started to regret not going with you. it was only a few hours, but those few hours affected the next few weeks of your life.
“well, i think you should forget about what people might think. as bad as this may come off, you can’t change anything about your body. i mean, i love it. if you couldn’t tell.”
his hands landed on your waist, pulling you in.
“and, personally, you have the best body i’ve ever seen.” that meant a lot coming from a guy who’s friends with people like madison beer, nessa barrett, and multiple other attractive female influencers. not that you thought he would ever go for them, but he worshipped you. like, worshipped you.
“i love you so much, matt. you have no idea.”
“i love you more.”
~ after about 15 minutes of scouring through the target to find more bathing suits to try, especially two-pieces, you found the dressing room.
matt sat patiently on the bench right outside, waiting for you to walk out.
“uh, matt?”
“yeah, babe?”
“i don’t really wanna, y’know.. walk out there.”
“okay, that’s fine.”
his eyes widened slightly when he saw the opportunity approach.
“do you want me to.. go in there with you?”
you honestly thought nothing of it. i mean, he's your boyfriend. he's seen you naked like a thousand times.
"sure. maybe you can actually help me get this shit off."
you giggled, and he smirked at your offer.
you unlocked the dressing room door, hiding behind it as you cracked it open making sure no one could see you.
as you stepped out from behind the door, matt's jaw dropped at how the beautiful blue bikini hugged you in all the right places. all the right places.
"holy shit."
you accidentally covered your cleavage with your left hand nervously playing with your necklace, while the right rubbed your forehead.
"you think?"
without a word, he grabbed your left hand and threw it to your side. he was drooling at the sight of his favorite thing in the world.
your tits.
"i- uh.. just.. wow."
you blushed, covering your face with both hands.
"stop doing that."
he threw both of your arms down to your side with a stern look on his face.
"sorry, baby. do you.. maybe wanna help me change out of it?"
in an instant, he turned you around and quickly untied your top.
he slid the straps down your shoulders, admiring the soft skin.
his breath was heavy on your ear while he praised you and stared at your chest.
"god. what could i ever do without you? without these?"
his hands slid from your lower belly all the way up to your chest, playing with them like he needed it.
leaving hickeys all over your neck, he slowly turned you to face him. he tugged at the side of the bathing suit bottoms, signaling for you to take them off. after you did, he was quick to proving that you were everything and more.
he had you pressed against the wall, your legs around his lower waist and arms slung over his shoulders. he started kissing in the crook of your neck until he reached your chest. he pecked anywhere he could reach, leaving behind little praises.
"i don't deserve you."
"i can't believe you're mine."
"you look more and more perfect every single day."
after about a minute, you both grew impatient.
he slipped his sweatpants and boxer down to his mid thigh. he kept heavy contact with your lips, making sure you knew just how much he craved your sweet taste.
he teased your entrance, slowly slipping his length into you. after adjusting to not only him but also the new position, he started going at a sweet and sultry but quick pace.
he somehow slipped a free hand, squeezing any amount of your tits that he could while kissing your neck. you fell into a high that left claw marks at his upper back, only motivating him more.
"you see how much i care about you? how perfect your- fuck.. your body really is? you had me folded from a bikini."
you giggled while still keeping your heavy breaths.
"try to stay quiet. don't need some rando knowing how great you really are. you're mine. you're my candy."
light groans and quiet sighs both escaped your mouths as you tried to keep from screaming each others names.
"i love you. i love what you give me. i don't deserve it. god- fuck.. i love you."
the coast was clear after walking out of the dressing room, both of you sweaty with slightly messy hair.
you walked to the register, smiling and holding matt's hand.
"just these, please."
"great choices, and i'm sure the boyfriend approves."
the cashier giggled while giving a look that made you blush knowing what just happened five minutes prior.
matt pulled you closer to him by your waist.
"trust me, i do."
now time to move onto subnerd!matt which might be out by next week!!!
bye sluts!!🌺🍒
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dizscreams · 2 years ago
Romantic headcanons with lil ol hobie
Absolutely 🫡
Romantic Headcanons with Hobie Brown — ★
I don’t think you guys would go out for dates I think a lot of the time it’s hanging out in each others room
Like he’s strumming his guitar and you’re studying or drawing whatever JUST YES
I think he’d definitely prefer that than taking you out to a fancy restaurant or smth like that
Maybe even movie nights?
Random thought but a little self care night 🤭
Maybe face masks (which he was reluctant to do but you made him anyway), painting each others nails, etc etc
Not really self care but him helping you dye your hair!!! Can’t get that thought out of my head
OMG SHOPPING WITH HIM!! You dragging him shopping and he acts like he doesn’t wanna be there but he actually kinda likes helping you pick out stuff
Don’t even get me started on you making him carry all of your bags or you showing off to him in the dressing room 👀
UGH OMG I HAD A CUTE THOUGHT!! One time he watched you do your makeup and he wanted to learn how to do eye liner
So you taught him one day and he likes doing eye liner every now and again
Maybe you were on his lap and did it for him one day! (He wouldn’t let you do a full face of makeup on him though 😔)
Likes picking out jewelry for your outfits
If you guys are opposites I can see a lot of playful arguments about each others music tastes
He definitely likes at least one song you showed him but wont admit it cause he’s stubborn!
If we’re gonna talk about physical touch I’d say he likes it just definitely not in public
Maybe a hand on your shoulder sometimes but other than that I’m not sure
In private though he’s always leaning his head on your shoulder or putting his head on yours
Likes to tease and make fun of you
Jokingly ofc he’d never let it go too far
He issss in a band so ofc you’re going to almost every performance of his
Veryyy protective when it comes to his job and you
Doesn’t like letting you come to fights with him or trying to help cause he’s terrified you’re going to get hurt
If you’re also a spider person you guys make a rlly good duo
He’s just a really laid back guy in general so he doesn’t raise his voice at you
Maybe on accident a few times but he always apologizes ofc
He’s respectful 🫡
WHEWWW imagine you both got done with a fight and you just need to rest so you take a nap together! Or if you’re not a spider person then you both had a hard day and wanted to take a nap together
I don’t think he gets jealous thaaat easily. Like someone would have to be THROWING themselves at you and he’ll step in.
He wouldn’t be starting fights or drama honestly I think he’d just wrap an arm around your waist and walk away with you
I think he’ll go on random tangents about stuff he’s interested in or even abt stuff he doesn’t like 😭
You’re just listening to him like “yeah totally” because he’s talking so fast
He’s proud of your guy’s relationship and he’s caught himself talking about you a lot to his friends
He tries to shut up before they say anything but they’re already teasing him
BUT ID SAY OVERALL he’s just a really chill dude who likes spending time with his partner :)
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All I can think of rn so I hope you enjoyed! and ty for all the requests I’ll be working on them all day <3 🫡
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scarletts-scribbles · 1 year ago
Driving Her Home
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⁀➷ Pairing: Natasha Romanoff x Reader
⁀➷ Notes: I wrote most of this during my lecture, I wont lie…
⁀➷ Summary: Natasha falls asleep in the car as you drive her home.
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*
The night air was heavy with relief when Natasha had finally completed her mission. Solo missions weren’t that fun anymore. Not after she’d grown so accustomed to having you by her side.
You’d always try to go on missions together anyway, even if it did mean hounding Fury until he eventually caved (which often didn’t take long with how persistent you were). However whenever you couldn’t go together, the two of you had fell into the habit of being the one to pick the other up afterwards. Being the one to drive or fly out to the other. It was a way to reconnect and make up for lost time, not only that but you certainly knew that Nat picking you up after a rough mission was the biggest step to moving on from it.
This time was no different. The road was dim as you drove alone, the lack of streetlights meant you only really had your headlights to illuminate the way through the narrow alleyways. Luckily you knew where you were going - you probably would’ve got lost otherwise. Natasha had turned on her active location tracker earlier and after a 40 minute drive the gps on your phone beeped to signal you were only 5 minutes away from her location.
When you finally arrived, Natasha emerged from the darkness, a silhouette bathed in the soft glow of the car's headlights. You made quick work of pulling up alongside the kerb for her.
“Hi sweetheart,” Your voice murmured softly as Natasha slid into the passenger seat, her demeanor a mix of weariness and quiet satisfaction. Without another word, you handed her a bottle of water from the bag you’d packed to take along. It was a small but thoughtful gesture, “There’s some snacks too if you want them.”
She mumbled a quiet thank you and took the water, taking a long swig, "Long night.” She finally sighed, using the back of her hand to wipe away the few droplets of remaining water from her lips.
“You wanna talk about it?” You offered, allowing her the chance to open up if she wanted too.
She seemed to think for a moment but inevitably shook her head. You nodded, not wanting to push her to talk until she was ready.
“That’s fine my love, it’s about a 40 minute drive so get comfy, we can talk whenever you’re ready.”
With each passing mile, Natasha's eyelids grew heavier. The steady motion of the car seemed to lull her into a drowsy state. You adjusted the temperature in the car, ensuring she was comfortable.
You reached over to gently squeeze Natasha's hand, a silent reassurance. The rhythmic hum of the engine and the steady road beneath you provided a soothing backdrop. As the car rolled on, Natasha's exhaustion became more apparent.
After a while, she leaned her head against the window, closing her eyes. The tension in her shoulders gradually eased, and the weariness on her face seemed to soften.
The next time you looked over, Natasha was asleep, her eyes closed as she sat curled up in her seat. She looked adorable. You turned the radio down gradually, not wanting to risk her waking up with its noise. At the next safest point, you slowly pulled over, making sure to brake softly to avoid jostling her. Once you’d stopped, you unbuckled your seatbelt and slid out your door. As silently as you could, you crept round to the boot and opened it, taking the fuzzy dark-grey blanket you always kept it in there.
Tucking the blanket under your arm, you quietly got back behind the wheel then as gently as you could, laid the blanket over Natasha, making sure it covered her sufficiently.
You took a moment to look over her sleep-filled features, feeling a swell of love and pride as you watched her snooze. You knew these missions took a lot out of her, even if she wasn’t always willing to admit it. Before setting off again, you leaned over and gently pressed a soft kiss to her cheek before whispering in a restful tone, “Sleep well my baby.”
For the rest of the journey, you kept your eye on her, smiling softly as you drove down the quiet streets. You knew you’d probably have to wake her up once you made it back home - but for now you were happy to just let her rest. To sleep away her problems, to finally unwind and let herself be relaxed as you lovingly watched over her.
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rinnstars · 4 months ago
besides that can i req🤭🤭
would rin be open to sharing things or matching? like taking his hoodies or that jacket… 🤣 or how you get him matching keychains and on his black school bag is the keychain you gifted him standing out 😭 AUGGHH RIN BRAINROT ☺️ feel free to take ts in ur own way 😈
assuming this isn’t an actual fic idea HELP but YES LARGE LARGE YESSSSSS to all the above thoughtd below!!!!! (many)
i think he wouldn’t be that opposed with matching in the beginning as long as its sort of subtle like keychains from a popular brand since i feel like he likes that subtlety and that feeling that only you two know its matching and slowly before he knows it, he has like a ton of those keychains hanging around from it being subtly attached to just his school bag to being multiple on his school bag, his pencil case and even his training bag. i feel like deep down he rlly likes the idea of something that connects you and him and he’ll be the type to fiddle with it too. just imagine him fiddling with his kuromi or cat keychain on his bag on the bus to and from blue lock or his old training facility thing missing you or with the star phone charm in school when youre sick as he wonders how youre doing…!!!!!!
and then slowly you convince him to get those other cute keychains that stops matching his bags but trust me when i say even though he pretends he doesn’t care and all, he’ll take care of all the keychains and especially those plushie keychains like hello kitty - hell wash every holiday especially for the ones on his school bag he’ll not let them get dirty!!!!!! he takes care of each of them and looks and plays with them whenever he misses you (a lot) i can lowkey imagine him going back to blue lock pt2 now with training bags with a bunch of silly keychains you and him get at shops or even from the arcade from those claw machine without a single care even if others see it as cringe hes winning the #idgaf war!!!!!! but just dont point all these out especially when hes dozing off a little during class and starts scratching or rubbing the plushie head he’ll get all embarrassed and cute (ears red and all as he pouts, verbally denying that he did any of that)
and abt sharing things i feel like at first he doesn’t mind it?!?!??! hes pretty used to sharing things having siblings and whatnot even though now…. anyways! but slowly, he sees the appeal of it!!!! like he’ll plan it all and thinks hes super super subtle and awesome about it when he leaves his jackets and hoodies on the bed whenever you come over and he practically feels like its mission successful when you take the bait!!! and if youre always cold just know he’ll take off his jacket, doesn’t matter if its his school football club jacket or his jacket he just bought the day before he’ll hurriedly take it off so you can have it!! he wont ever admit to it but he thinks youre so so so so cute when youre wearing his things - doesn’t even matter if its not a clothing item, you can be wearing his necklace he bought when he was a little kid and he would still think about it and start kicking his feet in his bed like a teenage girl!!! hell he doesn’t even need you to wear it, it literally could be as simple as using his pen because yours ran out mid study session and hes trying not to have a nose bleed right beside you, his homework forgotten LOL. what i think is the top tier sharing thing is probably his jerseys !!! first time you wore it he genuinely thinks hes gonna start having a stroke and a heart attack wiht the way his heart raced even harder than if he was hypothetically on the field playing right against his brother. all fun’s until youre wearing his hickey on your neck hes not gonna be normal about it. (people keep asking him if hes having a fever with how uncharacteriscally red his face is) (he doesn’t regret it)
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lowkeyrobin · 1 year ago
MCYT ; love or host
includes ; quackity, cellbit, foolish gamers, nihachu
warnings ; language, the fact I watched like 2 love or hosts (sorry if it's a little inaccurate)
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it was down to you and minx
minx chose host
and being smart, he picked you anyways
bro the one time a dating show ends up with a couple actually dating
you were basically competing minx for his friendship anyway
he'd already been interested in you so when you guys met up irl, he kinda awkwardly brings it up
"So... you picked love, too, yknow? Maybe we could go get dinner? Maybe? Or see a movie? Whatever you want, I mean-"
"Yeah, sure. Wanna go see Monolith? I heard it's good!"
"Please don't tell me it's a scary movie"
the cutest ever
you picked host, he picked love
it was for the drama, okay? you knew he'd pick love
when you guys meet up you have a genuine debate over it while tina, foolish and quackity just watch like 😨????
he paid you to let him take you out for dinner
meanwhile the others just sat there slowly eating their food while they watch
quackity dramatically slurps on his noodles and knocks you back into reality
You both picked love
obviously you guys moved on cause it was just a fun little thing but things changed when you met up irl
a lot more friendly flirting and shit
you guys have a little kissing bit on a stream as well LMAO
cellbit officiated your wedding on the qsmp too
you publicly announce your relationship by making a short little bit for YouTube titled "when streamers date each other" ans it was a comedy skit made in your apartment
literally the funniest thing ever
you mightve wasted a bowl of cereal and accidently broken a ceramic bowl (caught on video at least) for it but it was worth it
you both chose love
she'd been crushing on you for some time and you had a friendfully flirty relationship so I mean she was picking you over wilbur I'm sorry
for the next couple weeks you guys played a little bit of "They will they wont" and whatnot
ended up with you two admitting you're totally head over heels for each other on a random Tuesday night
specifically the night of the Tommy & Ranboo sleepover vlog
the dudes were fucking around at the basketball court and you guys were literally confessing your feelings on the pier 😭😭😭
there's still a clip of Tommy zooming in on you from afar looking out at the water talking
and he slaps a big 'simps' sticker over it
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jo-gakky · 4 months ago
Can you express how much you love Nezha? I’d love to read about your rambles ❤️
WAAAAAAAAA this is such a flattering ask to get! 
I'm really bad at expressing myself when it comes to things I love, but I LOVE talking about and pointing out the little details about my favorite little guys!!
(also a quick note! I tend to describe things using examples/scenarios. If it gets a bit confusing, please don't be afraid to ask me about anything <3)
Nezha, specifically the LMK version of him, brings me a kind of stability and comfort that no other character really does/ever has. The comfort derives from sort of a combination between his general presence/movement, ideals and actions.
Have you guys ever met someone who just OOZES stability? They're dependent, and manage situations with grace, even despite their own troubles?
That's the kind of guy I read Nezha as! He's a noble guy with a stable moral compass, and he's self-assured in his actions and his righteousness, however, he's not afraid to admit his own wrongs when they pop up. He's stubborn, sure, but not to a fault. Despite knowing of Wukongs reckless behavior, he entrusts the responsibility and himself to Wukong’s plan(s). And to be honest, what deity in this show is NOT a bit stubborn?
Nezha is everything I'm not, and I ADMIRE that so much. There is something comforting in watching him whenever he comes on screen, because he is what every other deity pretends to be. He is just an honest guy, and honestly what's better than that? 
He's just the type of guy you could trust wholeheartedly!
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Again, I could be reading his character wrong. Rewatching LMK always makes me notice new things about characters that provide a new context to them, and Nezha is no different. 
But that's absolutely okay with me, because that means I get to re-explore all these characters over again!
But for my current impression of Nezha, I read him as a stern guy with a heart of gold!
I could imagine, even if he was on duty, he'd be the type to help out if someone asked him for a hand. He'd probably hesitate, but only because leaving his post probably feels like sacrilege to him, but in the end he can't neglect a person in need of a hand. He's a generally kind, nice and reliable guy, but betraying that trust would make him incredibly doubtful of whoever slighted that trust, for a long while. His trust is preserved for those who deserve it. He seems to be a good judge of character, and wont give his full trust to those who are suspicious.
I also just feel like he's the stern type, that actually hides a side that's more cheeky, but in fear of becoming a joke or looked down upon, he represses that side of him.
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I don't know how to really express exactly what I mean with all of this, but I generally just love him so much for being such a stable, kind, responsible and grounded character!
Something about him screams safety, and I'm genuinely so sad that I didn't pay him much mind on my first watch.
Aside from his general character, his design also just SCREAMS comfort and happiness to me!
The Pretty pinks and teal speaks to his calmness and general kindness and goodness, while the bright reds give a hint of his ferocious battle skills and power. And perhaps his temper, but I don't really think he has much of a temper. He gets a bit annoyed, but if i'm being honest, i would get a bit irked too if someone who could help wasn't taking something, possibly dangerous, seriously.
Beside his pleasing color scheme, his general shape-language is GORGEOUS and i love it so much! His hairstyle specifically makes me so happy! It's so beautiful!
He's also just generally really fun to draw, which adds a lot when it comes to a character's appeal for me.
This is just a minor detail, but I thought I'd add it anyway : His english voice BRINGS ME SUCH JOY! His voice is such a perfect fit for the kind of person he is! (tbh all the english voices are perfect, but specifically Nezha's voice strikes a chord with me.)
That's just the basics!
TL;DR : I really like Nezha bc he's very cool and nice and awesome and responsible! <3 He makes me happy :)
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chiara-hotel · 1 year ago
𝐎𝐜𝐭𝐨𝐛𝐞𝐫 𝟐𝐧𝐝: 𝐃𝐞𝐜𝐨𝐫𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐢𝐫 𝐡𝐨𝐮𝐬𝐞 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐇𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐨𝐰𝐞𝐞𝐧 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐢𝐫 𝐬/𝐨
Characters: Chuuya, Fyodor, Poe, Ranpo, Sigma, Dazai & Nikolai
TW: Mentions of Fake Blood, Limbs, Clowns, Usual halloween decor
This idea is so cute so I ended up adding Chuuya & Nikolai aswell for the characters list. Anyway, hope you enjoy the hc & thank you for requesting!
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- Chuuya loves celebrations and celebrating
- Hes definitely the person to go all out on decorations (not even on purpose too, he just sees something he doesnt have and then buys it)
- Each halloween you open the seasonal storage to see a lot of new things
- Onto the actual decorating, he loves decorating with you
- Chuuya will make you fly with his ability to help you put up some of the decorations before letting you back down and kissing you
- You guys put up a lot of lights and other decor in higher places, just because chuuya likes using his ability on you and seeing you happy
- But don’t worry he also helps put up a lot of things
- Imagine your on a ladder and then he jumpscares you with one of the decorations
- Then comes a playful fight between the two of you
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- Fyodor doesnt own many decorations
- I’d say 3-6 with a few cobwebs + spiders
- But the decor he owns is definitely the scariest
- You guys are putting the decor up and all of a sudden you active it and jump back
- Fyodor would laugh at you before asking if you’re alright
- Then after that your staying behind him & helping out from the saftey of your boyfriend
- If they keep jumpscaring you he might get rid of them
- After you set up the things he owned, you bought a whole ton of decorations for inside the house
- So you suprised him with them and you convinced him to let you put them up
- He helps hold the ladder your standing on for lights, hands you stuff/decorations to add but he won’t put anything up
- He would never admit it but he finds it cute when you decorate the house
- Hugs while he’s standing there helping you, especially if he gave you the last item
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- Poe is the one who’d get scared at every single thing you bring out of your halloween decor box
- Hes hiding behind you and he’ll look adorable while hes doing it
- Definitely will help out for the non-scary decorations
- Karl also helps you guys out! and hes a big help
- Expect a lot of hugs from him (mostly from behind)
- Talks about making some new halloween mystery novels while you put up some of the decor
- Maybe he’ll even start writing if you have a little bit of decorations left
- Karl eats some of the candy though (and you guys spend 30 minutes trying to figure out where it went)
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- The one who doesnt find any of it scary
- Ranpo will complain at the beginning but eventually gives in just for you
- He doesn’t really help out though. Ranpo is your helper who will support by eating snacks at his desk
- On a side note: hide the halloween candy because this man will take them all
- Even if Ranpo finds a lot of the scary stuff stupid, he doesnt like some of the overly scary things
- Lights, Cobwebs, Pumpkins, Spiders, Bats are just a few things he loves
- Also those blow ups that you put in your front yard (he does that one, he must set it up)
- Ranpo expects a lot of praise for putting up the 1 decoration so give him some wont you?
- And when you’re finally done with all the decorations here expects a lot of cuddles for all of that work
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- Sigma would want all of the decorations to be perfectly placed, so I think he would spend a lot of time on them
- Definitely overthinks the placements… a bit too much
- If hes deep in thought just hug him and ask him to help you with something else
- He likes cobwebs, carving pumpkins, jack-o-lanterns & fake graves/skeletons
- Nikolai probably gave him a clown decoration for fun so now you guys hang it at your door
- Sigma especially loves carving pumpkins with you. its relaxing and he also makes a lot of designs
- you guys definitely have the path leading to your house filled with jack-o-lanterns
- You also help him & nikolai decorate at the casino/DOA office
- Mostly because nikolai forces the both of you
- Nikolai would make comments about how cute you guys look together the entire time (and he won’t shut up until you guys kiss or something)
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- When Dazai asks you to help him decorate his house, he doesn’t actually want to decorate-he just wants to spend time with you
- But hes so glad when you agree to decorate his house because that includes: Shoping trips, Spening more time with you, and much more
- Most of the time Dazai will complain about putting up the decorations as if it werent his idea
- The other times he’s actually helping you, maybe start bribing him with kisses to get him to work
- He likes mummys, caution tapes & fake blood for decorations
- Dazai will also secretly buy a while can of fake blood just to put on himself on “accident” he just wanted attention
- So you spend a whole hour in the shower together (you taking off the fake blood and cleaning him)
- The decorating will take 2 days or more with him because he gets lazy
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- Run away while you can
- Goes shopping for halloween decor with you only to pick out the scariest of items
- Your house is a literal haunted house
- Not to mention Nikolai bought some extra suprises for you to put around the house
- You got into he kitchen… Open your cupboard and BOOM a clown will pop up from the cupboard and scare you
- As for decorations he likes, scary ones, the decor with audio, clowns, blood, fake limbs but why have fake ones when he can get real limbs & blood easily
- Nikolai is also that one house on the street that has audio with screaming & scary sounds
- At this point everyones afraid of him
- Not to mention while decorating hes going to try to spook you at every possible moment
- As for the decorating itself hes prefect because of his ability!
- Nikolai can easily reach the high spots
- So yeah decorating with him will take the entire day
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mipexch · 1 year ago
thinking about a potential ultrakill lethal company au type crossover for fun. long ramble of headcanons under the readmore. feel free to add on, i’d love to start something silly
i haven’t thought too much on the possibilities of an Actual fully fleshed out au complete with designated planets being certain layers so all of this is made under the idea that it’s just these characters tasked with doing what the employees do. all the headcanons i’ve made are just how i feel these characters would act :)
gabriel is.. he’s gabriel. his ass is getting fired IMMEDIATELY. he’s smart sometimes but his impulsivity & arrogance gets the best of him. he doesn’t need a flashlight— or a walkie-talkie for that matter. what is he, a husk? he goes in empty handed and comes out empty handed. his pride wont let him return to admit his tactic was shit so at best he steals another piece of scrap someone may have set at the front to bring back. sure. it works. he agrees to bring a walkie-talkie but sticking with the group is completely out of the question.
being the one on the monitor isn’t too difficult for him but it gets VERY stressful for the ones actually inside the facility. he’s going to yell at you to go a certain way and alert you to a nearby enemy only when he feels it’s absolutely necessary. he switches cameras very often and tasks himself with keeping everyone safe. if you stand still for more than 4 seconds he’s going to declare you dead and stop checking. (unless it’s V1)
if a dog happens to come by while he’s monitoring he’ll try hard to stay quiet for a short amount of time before fear gets the better of him and makes him start the ship (even if there’s still people inside). goes inside the facility half the time and stays back the other half. he enjoys reading through the bestiary and organizing all the scrap people dump onto the floor of the ship. very prone to getting attacked by snare fleas. he checks his surroundings but Not above him. dumbass
V1 is going in with nothing but a shovel and…another shovel. you cant even wield both but that doesnt stop them from wanting another. no one’s entirely sure how they have so many on hand except for gabriel. if he isn’t around to reluctantly buy them a shovel they’re going to buy as many as they can before they get caught. (gabriel makes sure to keep an eye on the terminal when they’re using it for this reason alone)
they beat the shit out of every enemy they find and disregard scrap completely. it’d probably beat another crewmate to death. whether it was on accident is up to you. they’re able to outsmart and survive certain enemies given they can hear them. they’d probably do very well at sneaking around dogs, although their first instinct is to make a run for it when there’s a forest giant. (they’re fast dont worry they can make it) the only creature they wouldn’t be able to survive and potentially beat to death is the bracken. explanation should be self explanatory given the enemy list i’ve made but they are Bad at frequently checking their surroundings and are very easily caught off guard. they can defend themselves quickly, but the bracken is. hm. yeah. you get it.
the only help they can offer their crew is being the only one brave enough (if you could even call it that) to retrieve someone’s corpse and successfully bring it back to the ship.
LOVES to scare other people by chasing after them with shovels but minos wrestles the damn thing away from them every single time
V2 is less like their predecessor but they still take after them quite a lot. they’re smart and actually have the decency to take a walkie talkie with them, but they don’t communicate much with it. it’s less of a necessity to them and more of a tool that may or may not prove useful in certain cases. they don’t particularly like being given orders (even if they know it’ll help) so it’s turned off half the time anyways. they’re smart in that they’ll actually look for and bring back scrap, but they have a bad habit of attempting to hold as much as they can instead of bringing more important things back to the front. they enjoy bringing back a big haul— it’s affirming. if V1 is with them, they’re going to try their hardest to avoid them but still follow their trail because they know every enemy they encounter will either be dead or chasing after the other. there’s a high chance there’ll be scrap V1 has ignored along the trail anyways. it’s smart until the frantic running stops and suddenly they’re face to face with a bracken. they’ll figure out a way around this eventually i’m sure.
they’re also really bad at jumping across platforms. they jump without looking and often take chances with jumps they can’t see. LOVES closing the ship door on V1 but if gabriel’s there its gonna be opened in under a few seconds & V1 will promptly chase them down with a shovel (and kill them!)
ferryman has a horrible case of GET SCARED disease but generally they do pretty well! they tend to follow around other crewmates but on the offchance they’re going alone or somehow get lost they ALWAYS bring a flashlight. they’re bad at navigating through the dark but they have a Really good sense of direction and can find their way back very easily. always the one tasked with investigating steamy rooms because they usually find the valve pretty quickly. surprisingly good at defending themselves against enemies given they have a weapon and a warning given before it shows up but coil-heads are a nono. they’re bad enough at prolonged eye contact as it is.
can’t work the monitor because they’re way too quiet for anyone to hear and they get really nervous about the forest giants (dogs are okay with them. they’re good at being silent) but they really like reading the logs people find. also really good at making jumps between platforms
swordsmachine ACTUALLY DOES THEIR JOB!!!!! SOMEWHAT!!!!! every piece of scrap they find goes to their designated corner at the front of the building. no one is allowed to take their scrap back to the ship. Their Pile. Will die everytime they land on a stormy planet because of their refusal to put their shit down. they’re smart but i think their scrap is too important to them and they think making a mad dash for the ship might give them enough time to get back before they get struck by lightning and explode. they bring NOTHING with them. they need all the space available to hold as much scrap as possible. if V2 is on the ship they tend to to tag along with them.
mindflayer reads as pretty lazy to me. im not sure why. they’d go into the facility but once they find one or two items they’re gonna return to base and camp out there for the rest of the time. they LOVE the mansions though. will stay in there for much longer than they should. steals all the keys people have collected overtime for mansion expeditions & unlocking all of the doors. very fond of almost every enemy EXCEPT the forest giants. they’re bad at not getting spotted
minos is like the Only level headed person on this entire fucking ship. does what he needs to! does it well! he heads into the facility when there’s less people going in (or the only ones going in don’t typically do much) but most of the time hes at the monitor. very good at calming people down when there’s an enemy near them. tends to lead the group whenever he actually goes inside. when he delivers back his first haul of scrap he always checks the monitor just to make sure everyone else is doing okay. he’s gonna go after them if he feels like they’re in a tight spot. instinctually goes for the fire exits instead of using the main entrance because he believes it’s better for some reason.
he has a nasty habit of staying in the facility for Far too long but he’s pretty diligent about getting back safely and with everything he’s found. if he feels particularly worried he’ll drop everything and run for it.
sisyphus is also pretty great. makes a lot of jokes over the walkie talkies whenever he’s doing monitoring (much to the dismay of whoever is being chased by creatures). he Will lock you in a hallway for shits and giggles but he’ll let you out after a few seconds. he does really well actually within the facilities but he’s mostly doing work outside with bringing scrap people leave outside back to the ship. loves jumping out of the ship before it lands so he can get a head start. if he hears or somehow knows that someone around him has just died he’s going to do everything in his power to bring their body back to the ship. he feels strangely obligated but in a way he enjoys. LOVES the jetpacks. buys one whenever it’s possible. weirdly bad at making the jumps between platforms
mirage really loves the mansions. will bring scrap back but leaves to explore the planets rather than focus on the job at hand. turns off her walkie talkie and keeps the flashlight just to stay out a bit later but always makes it back within the nick of time. if the monitor person dies (or everyone else does) she’s usually the one to start the ship and go. knows most planets like the back of her hand. if the mindflayer on the ship hasn’t already taken the stored keys then she probably will. not one to explore the facilities in the dark but she does really enjoy it when she gets to be alone. knows when it’s about time to leave if she starts hearing other people screaming. not intimated by the bracken- if anything she enjoy its company. her favorite piece of scrap are the paintings
POTENTIAL enemy list….
thumper - filth (ignore the staggering difference in power these two have)
spore lizard - cancerous rodent :)
bracken - something wicked. loves to target v1 specifically
snare-flea - ??? help me out here
hoarding bugs - swordsmachine would make SO much sense but for the sake of them actually being a crew member on this hell of a ship i’ll say a swordsmachine copycat. a scraphead
spider - i’m running out of enemies. spiders exist on earth too so i think it’d make sense for it to be a husk of some sort. nothing specific
baboon-hawk- drone :)
forest giant - i think corpse of king minos is most fitting. let’s just pretend he isnt 20 stories tall for the sake of this. cerberus would also make sense. either of them work
eyeless dogs - imagine a giant maurice rolling around. now imagine many of them. cant exactly see you because it’s made of fucking stone but it sure can hear you & you’ll definitely hear it when it comes barreling towards you before running you over
earth leviathan (worms) - EASILY the leviathan
coil-head - mannequin. maybe. bonus points if she gets to strike a different pose everytime she moves
ghost girl - i think it’d be funny if it were that one council member. any council member, honestly. they go after gabriel specifically
jester - im actually not sure! the skull looks most similar to minos’ parasites but at the same time having it be some weird hell-made husk machine would also be cool
jeb - it’s a bit lazy but hell itself would fit very nicely
turret - sentry. pink dot instead of orange
i’m ill. thanks for reading
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musicfeedsmysoul12 · 2 months ago
Fic title: "Heartsongs"
Real talk I am seeing soulmate AU where people have songs that ‘match’. Some people have a song where they sing parts, some are back ups to other songs, lists are endless of how it works.
Izuku has a song that is distinctly a ‘lead’ where he is the one to start signing first. This of course has inspired tormenting that ‘oh your soulmate wont sing for you shitty deku’ kind of crap.
Now Izuku grows up. UA is a university, however Canon kinda happens with OFA. Except the ‘Bakugou knows cause friends’ crap. That doesn't happen. Izuku still gets it, maybe earlier, and all.
Why is UA a university? Well, its cause in this world Todoroki Shouto as a ‘fuck you’ to his dad started putting music on youtube and became basically a teen idol. His dad hates it so much but Shouto is just having the best time.
So Shouto is a very popular signer who after he visited his mom after years of not also wants to be a hero as she reignited his fire for it. (Literally even)
Bakugou has a thing for Shouto. Everyone has a thing for this guy and a lot of people kinda sing around him. He hates it cause it feels gross (and kinda is) so he's very standoffish.
His only friends are Iida, Izuku and Uraraka as none of them have sang around him. Yes Tsu did (she only did it out of habit as her family always introduce themselves by singing but it still kinda ducks) as did Momo.
Bakugou is Bakugou ranting about how perfect he is for Todoroki, how amazing they would be. How ‘Icy Hot should just admit we’re soulmates’.
Its a thing. Its a mess. Izuku has hidden Shouto in his room to hide.
Then one day they're at a singing festival held often to find soulmates. Its not rude here to sing but just singing like some people do to Shouto is rude.
Anyway Izuku ends up having to sing to.
And guess who has the match to his song?
Pairings: TodoDeku
Notes: Eh not much just having fun
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ganondoodle · 5 months ago
Not gonna lie, the "It looks like a Divine Circle but is actually just hundreds of years of superstition & propaganda"-Concept is the coolest fucking thing I didn't know I needed until ten minutes ago. It's a super cool inversion of the classic trope, opens up a million possibilities for stories and arcs and on top of that, in game, you would obviously not know about it form the beginning but slowly have to collect clues and hints that things are not quite as everyone tells you.
So yeah, very cool concept!
Not directly related, but it's probably no surprise that my favorite Ganondorf line is the "I coveted that Wind"-line from the finale of Wind Waker. He doesn't even go into detail, cause he doesn't have to, this line alone instantly humanizes him. Like, its the end of the game, we are about to fight him, there is no way this will not end in a fight, and yet, at that point, that line, just goes so fucking hard. Because you instantly know what he's talking about, that he simply wanted a future for his people, which, you know, is a very human thing to do. It wont stop us from fighting him here and now, way too much has happened for that, but it reminds us, the audience, that he has motives and reasons and thoughts and is an actual character.
So yeah, in case it's not obvious yet, I too despise the extremely flat "I'm evil because evil, waaaaaaaaagh!" Ganondorf from TOTK. Why even include him if you cant be arsed to actually write him?
Anyways, last thing, I'll have to somewhat disagree on the Gameplay vs Story thing, at least partially because I work in the field and have had experiences with this problem myself. Not saying its impossible to have both, but its a lot more difficult than one would expect.
Towards your point, yes a good story can pull people through a game, but so can strong gameplay. Take the Doom games, I dont really care about their story, but the gameplay is great. On the other hand, the gameplay of the average Telltale game would be incredibly boring without the story behind it. There are hybrids, but even they tend to lean one way or the other: The Assassins Creed or Uncharted Series have solid and fun gameplay, but would probably get repetitive or boring if we didn't have strong characters and stories that keep us interested. And all of that is before you consider that there are different player types that gravitate to one or the other and it gets even more complicated. (There's more to this but I my thoughts on the topic could easily be a full bachelors Thesis, so I'll stop here.)
I should add that I dont think that the gameplay over story (or vice versa) argument can or should be used to defend games or design choices. Yes, Nintendo does prefer to focus on Gameplay over Story. Does that mean we shouldn't expect a good story, or are not allowed to criticize a bad one in their games? Hell no! (And if my previous ask sounded like I was doing that, I apologize, that was NOT what I meant to say! I'll happily critique all of TOTKs flaws, both in gameplay & story, otherwise how can we learn from it?)
This argument can be used to understand and analyze or interpret design decisions but it shouldn't ever be used to defend them. Just like the "just for kids" argument, by using such arguments, the person in question basically admits that they are aware of the weaknesses and faults in their story/game/whatever but didn't fix or improve them. So yeah, I do agree with you on that front 100%, hiding behind such arguments is a problem.
Anyway, sorry for leaving another wall of text in your inbox, hope you're having a nice day!
thank you! that 'cycle' concept is also what destiny (zelda comic) is based on, since it takes place before skyward sword you get to see the set up for it, and, in this story, the gods have been trying to achieve it countless times, throughout the story of it its supposed to slowly be revealed- like demise already knowing some parts since hes yet another 'failed' version of that plan (im reusing that concept for the totk rewrite as well bc i am very original wahoo)
oh you work in that field! thats cool!! yeah my opinion on this sort of thing is very much a thing i formed bc i play games, though i still dream of gamedev, i guess i understood your mention of it a little too much into the dismissive argument way (though not as an attack) and its been repeated so so many times i cant help but get a little >_> at it; the point i was trying to make was more like ... they need to find a balance with it, like you can make it all about gameplay, but then dont pretend you have the most epicest story that ever storied, maybe even do it less or more subtle, like the fromsoft game i feel like are very well balanced in that regard, bc their lore and story is very neat and intertwined, but you have to look and think to get it, and the gameplay is strong on its own so much so that it kinda ends up being both soemthing for people that dont care about lore and those that do, more than about the gameplay
zelda feels like it doesnt quite know what to do (even moreso modern zelda), bc they prioritize the gameplay but then still put in a story that they want understood .. so its like, babiefied? like there is a "simple" story and its few points are repeated into your face over and over and over so the people that dont care to read into soemthing GET IT but also annoy them, bc they dont care anyway, and the people who care about lore/story above gameplay are bored bc the narrative isnt engaging enough and they dont care as much about the gameplay
especially so with totk i think, its so weird, botw wasnt like that imo, it wasnt overly complicated either but at least it left you wondering, and let you think, the more you thought about the more interesting it was (at least to me) totk feels like the opposite, it doesnt want you to think, bc the more you think about it the more it falls apart and makes less sense
like theres types of games that focus HARD on one or the other (like slay the princess for example, its like an interactive audio book, there isnt much gameplay but it goes hard on narrative), so obviously the balance of gameplay and story isnt applicable to every game, but for zelda in particular they say they are one but then still want the other part just as much? like the lore in skyward sword isnt great, the characters are strong though, the gameplay isnt that engaging (to me, since that needs to be said) i got through it mostly just bc i wanted to see what comes next and liked the characters, in botw the freedom and world and gameplay were like nothign i ever experienced, exploring was addictive and the story took a bit of a backseat, but it was fitting for the game and lend itself so well to theorize, in totk they .. idk what the focus was, the .. glue? the toys to glue together? nothing fits together there and each part works against another instead of together, somehow, its so weird to me
the thing is, if you do gameplay over story, you need to roll with it? if thats what it is then let the story take a backseat, make it subtle and in the background or vague, dont stuff the game full of unskippable cutscenes where a character you dont care about explains you a thing you already figured out through the gameplay; like the zelda dragon point, let the design of the dragon and its music, what its carrying speak for itself, the way the deku tree is weirded out by the sword moving, maybe a quick subtle voice line once you get the sword fading away like the last parts of her soul being whispered away- but dont mention it in one of the first cutscenes, fail to bury it in 'thats illegal though and irreversible so nono dont you do it' (why mention it then huh) allude to it multiple times, and then just straight up show it (i get people like the scene but man, it would have been way cooler to figure it out yourself)
same goes for the fake zelda thing, the weird way she said the bloodmoon text already alluded to it, have her show up here and there but vanish before you (no "omg thats zelda omg what is she dooooing") , or go even harder and make her an NPC standing around the world interacting with you all nromally but animals react weirldy to her- make the midfight against her (maybe even that she isnt talking so you are unsure if its actually her but controlled by sth else, or talk all normally while literally going for your throat) and then have her dissolve into goop and woa the bloodmoon thing is without her now the zelda you have been talking to has been fake the whole time, its creepy!! leave out the stupid cutscenes of showing it multiple times!! stop monologing at me!!
ppl that dont care about it can go and do a fight and i can think about it! everyone wins yahoo!
(actually ... if you leave out all the cutscenes in totk i feel like it improves the game by alot ...)
(what my point in the previous thing was in the end that you can repeat the same old trope only so many times without changing anything before it gets boring as hell, like what you said here, and the series seems to really be setting itself on fire bc it just wants to do the trope of old so badly and at some point its gonna drag down even the best of gameplays like gameplay over story means (to me) gameplay is prioritized so whatever narrative there is is in the background, subtle and not overtly in your face with big cutscenes etc- but what i feel like its often supposed to mean is "its fine if theres a shitty story that makes no sense pasted on top bc they prioritize gameplay so stop complaining" like to me what it should mean is more gameplay, less story, a measure of quantity not of quality, but what i feel like it often means is better gameplay, bad story, a measure of quality, not quantity )
maybe my problem lies elsewhere and im just projecting it on gameplay > story, that could very much be the case, i could have a fundamental missunderstanding about this here, im still just a guy with opinions in the end and got no knowledge about anything other than i play games sometimes and these are the things i like and dislike and would do differently *puts my head in my hands*
idk if im making sense, im usually not very good at explaining how i feel or think :/ (or i THINK im bad at it, autism be damned)
(sorry this got so long again ......................)
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astrosfaerydae · 5 months ago
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Kinktober Masterlist!
So first off some housekeeping. Prompts are based off of Nymphare's Kinktober 2024 List. They will range in ratings from G-E(some prompts like first dates don't necessarily need to be explicit imo). I will be swapping between the dead dove and general list. I wont be doing all of them but as it stands I think I have 25... I cut a few to make room for dealers choice which I am excited for to say the least. This list will be updated as I make the posts for each prompt. Anyways lets get to it!
🎃 Day 1: Costumes (General List)
Rating: T Words: 908 Pairing: Chanlix Main Tags: Costumes, Canon Comp, Halloween Party, Chan and his many man crushes that Felix uses to his advantage 🔗: Cloud Vs. Fred Flintstone
🎃 Day 2: Hybrids AU (General List)
Rating: T Words: 3.6k Pairing: Minsung Main Tags: Hybrids AU, Cat Hybrid!Jisung, Major Character Injury, Getting Together, Fluff, Hurt/Comfort 🔗: Astray CW// Domestic Abuse, Animal Abuse, Injury, Broken Bones (none of these are in graphic detail however but here just in case)
Day 3 (no post)
🎃 Day 4: Firsts (General List)
Rating: G Words: 1k Pairing: Minsung Main Tags: First dates, fluff, lots of fluff, sickfic(kinda), Canon comp 🔗: For so Long I Have Waited “Do you remember what today was supposed to be?” Minho asked, gently swaying back and forth. He was all dressed up with nowhere to go in comparison to Jisung’s big ratty tee-shirt and boxers. 
🎃Day 5: Eating Something Sensually (General List)
Rating: E Words: 1.1k Pairing: Minsung Main tags: Blow jobs, canon comp, Minho is a grump, fluff and smut, Banana's 🔗: Ba-Na-Na, Ba-Na-Na "Why don't you come over here and taste the real thing?"
🎃Day 6: Terms of Endearment (General List)
Rating: T Words: 3.2k Pairing: Chanlix Main Tags: Canon comp, excessive use of the word baby, Idiots in Love, Getting together, Fluff 🔗: I'm Holding on to Hope, It's a Problem I Admit “And you are sure you aren't a natural blonde or did the bleach strip your brain cells too?” “Would you stop making fun of me?!” Felix laughed softly trying to hide the slight sniffle. Jisung must’ve noticed, however, as he pulled him into a crushing hug. “You love him don’t you?”
🎃Day 7: Forbidden Love (General List)
Rating: E Words: 4.6k Pairing: Chanlix Main tags: Royalty Au, Angst, Fluff, Smut, Power Imbalance, King Chan, Servant Felix 🔗: Scared to Burn the Page Felix entered the room and stood like a statue until the doors shut. Even after, his demeanor was unusually sheepish. To be fair, a private meeting with the king is rarely ever a good thing. And depending on Felix’s reaction, it hopefully would be a great thing. “Relax,” Chan said, forcing a smile, “I didn't call you here to berate you. Quite the opposite actually.” “Oh,” Felix’s gait grew more confident as he approached the king, “So what am I here for, your majesty.”
🎃Day 8: Watersports/omorashi (DDDNE)
Rating: E Words: 3k Pairing: Poly skz (Jilix, Minsung, Chanlix) Main tags: Omorashi, Kink exploration, desperation, frottage 🔗: Take the Pleasure With the Pain, Double Doses “Have you ever heard of something called,” Felix paused for a moment as he tried to remember what it was properly called, “I think the term is, uhmm, Omorashi?” “DUDE!” Jisung nearly choked on his drink making Felix shrink against the wall, knocking over a broom in the process.
🎃 Day 9: One True Love (General List)
Rating: T Words: 3.1k Pairing: Chanlix Main Tags: Royalty AU, Prince Felix, Guard Chan, Post-break up, arranged marriage, true love conquers all 🔗: Pull Me Close and Twist the Knife Neither was happy about the arrangement. It was clear in the way that Jisu walked down the aisle. Her face drenched in tears of hopeless misery, more falling with each step. Felix, too, was crying as he looked at her with pity. They didn’t want this.
Day 10 (No post)
Day 11: Corruption Kink (DDDNE)
Rating: E Words: 2.6k (chapter 1) Pairing: Minsung Main Tags: Corruption kink, Church Retreat, Jisung is the pastors son, Minho is forced to be there, First times, Blow jobs “Are you ok? You seem down.” 🔗: Maybe Hell Ain't So Bad After All “Just peachy,” His voice was sweet but his lips had curled into a sarcastic snarl, “I was forced to be here so please if you aren't here to fuck me or feed me please leave me alone.” “O-oh okie-dokie then,”
cw// Religious guilt, blasphemy, Negative talk about religion, implied homophobia This one has two chapters! Chapter two is coming on the 30th! But they can be read separately! title: If I'm There by Bad Omens
🎃 Day 11: PDA (General List)
Rating: T Words: 1k Pairing: Chanlix Main tags: Established Relationship, Secret Relationship, Hiding in Plain Sight, Not so secret, Alcohol, Drunken Karaoke, Fluff 🔗: Hey, I Want Your PDA CW// Alcohol Changbin turned his chair to fully face Felix, “Are you ok?” “You look like you’ve seen a ghost,” Jisung added as he turned in their direction as well. Felix tried to speak but the words kept getting caught in his throat. It didn’t help that Chan was giggling like a drunken fool beside him, “Wait d-did you not see—” “You did see a ghost! I knew this place was haunted!!” Jisung sounded way too excited about that.
🎃Day 12: Subspace/Domspace (General List)
Rating: E Words: 2.1k Pairing: Chanlix Main Tags: Canon Comp, Choking, Sub Felix, Dom Chan, Still somehow fluffy..., Subspace, Doms need reassurance too (Please read all the tags on the fic thoroughly) 🔗: You Always Wanna Run Your Mouth  “Well that worked better than I thought,” Chan chuckled proudly, “Now, open wide.”
Day 13 (No Post)
🎃Day 14: Somno (DDDNE)
Rating: Explicit Words: 2.7K Pairing: Chanlix Main Tags: Somnophilia, Canon Compliant, Anal sex, Consensual Non-consent but even that is dubious, Angst and Fluff and Smut 🔗: I Don't Believe You When You Tell Me You Are Fine Then there was a comment on reddit he couldn’t get out of his head. “My girlfriend wakes me up with a blowjob every morning. 10/10 would recommend.”
🎃Day 15: Wearing Your Significant Others Clothing (Gen List)
Rating: E Words: 1.5k Pairing: Changjin Main Tags: Canon Compliant, Newlywed dorm, Smut, Frottage, fluffy smut! 🔗: If We Have Each Other “Hey, babe,” Hyunjin leaned inside the steamy bathroom, hanging onto the door frame, “Do you know where my clothes are?” Changbin moved the shower curtain enough to poke his head out. Despite the situation Hyunjin couldn’t help but giggle a little at the ball of white suds on top of Changbin’s head, running down his face, making him look like Santa Claus, “Shouldn’t they be in the bedroom?” “Yes, but I looked already,” Hyunjin whined, “It's not there.”
🎃Day 16: Dealers choice: Blood (DDDNE)
Rating: E Words: 4.4k Pairing: Minsung Main Tags: Blood, Blood as Lube, Violence, Fluff(yes fluff), Smut, Vamp/Human, Purgatory, Supernatural Crossover 🔗: Killed and Born Again His soul was never meant for purgatory. Yes, he was a hunter before he was turned and could survive here, that wasn’t the problem. The problem was that he had to survive here.
CW// (It's DDDNE soooo yea) Blood, Vampire bites, Violence, Death The only context readers need to understand this if you haven't read any of the Love is The Death series is as follows: Jisung was a hunter turned vamp and was killed. Minho was a revenant who refused to crossover, but was eventually convinced by Chan and Felix. Chapter one is the smut and Chapter two is the plot for those that care to read it but it's not necessary if you are just here for kinktober lol!
🎃Day 17: Edging (DDDNE)
Rating: E Words: 2.7k Pairing: Chanlix Main Tags: Orgasm Edging, Orgasm denial, Technicaly CNC, Light BDSM, Canon comp, Felix is a stubborn brat CW// Consensual Non Consent (Felix can't say no or he loses the bet) 🔗: Take Me Past The Edge It was a stupid bet. He had been bragging about his stamina compared to Chan’s. A simple teasing remark to rile him up. Quickly it devolved into a competition and of course Felix felt the need to prove himself.
🎃Day 18: Praise Kink (General List)
Rating: E Words: 1.7k Pairing: Chanlix Main Tags: Praise kink, Canon comp, Unintentional Arousal, Chan is oblivious to what he's done, Hand Jobs, Cum swallowing, PWP 🔗: I am a Good Boy With a deep breath he tried again. It wasn’t much better in his opinion. “Loosen up a bit, shake it out! Your voice is beautiful, just project it a bit more forward on this next take, babe,” Felix could hear the smile in Chan’s voice, making him blush. Another take and Felix waited for feedback. It was taking a bit which put him on edge, “Mmhm, just like that,” with Chan’s voice over the intercom the anxiety lifted, “Let’s move on to the intro and first verse next, that was gorgeous Lix. Beautiful.” 
🎃Day 19: Love At First Sight (General List)
Rating: T Words: 1.5k Pairing: Chanlix Main Tags: Mutual Pining, Not actually unrequited love, very light angst, FLUFF(yes in caps you think I'm gonna get love at first sight and not make it fluffy as fuck) 🔗: We Were Just Kids When We Fell In Love Seven years later “So let me get this straight, so you're telling me you have been in love with Felix from day one? He doesn’t know! AND you aren’t planning on telling him?!”
🎃Day 20: Will You Marry Me?
Rating: G Words: 1.6k Pairing: Changjin Main Tags: Fluff, marriage proposals, some humor, Canon Comp 🔗: I Love You and That's All I Really Know  “You are going to what? Repeat that, please!” Chan stared back at Changbin with wide-eyed excitement. Jisung too was bouncing in his seat waiting for him to answer. “I am going to ask Hyunjin to marry me,” Changbin sighed, the relief of getting this massive secret off of his chest was immense. “When?! How?! I need all the details!” Jisung squealed back in excitement.
🎃Day 22: Kissing All of Them
Rating: T Words: 9k (7 chapters) Pairing: Felix-centric Polyskz Main Tags: Fluff, First kisses, poly skz, getting together, light angst, Canon Comp 🔗: Every Kiss Gets a Little Sweeter  “I’ve never kissed anyone,” The alcohol had melted through Felix’s brain to mouth filter, he meant to say yes but the overwhelming insecurity hit him like a truck. “Wait,” Jisung rolled to the side and stared up at the ceiling in confusion, “You have three sexy ass boyfriends and you haven’t kissed any of them? Not even Chan?! Didn’t you ever play spin the bottle or seven minutes in heaven? What did you do in school, study?!”
🎃Day 23: Aphrodisiacs
Rating: E Words: 2.4k Pairing: Chanlix Main Tags: Smut, canon comp, desperately horny, fluff(its chanlix its gonna still be sweet) 🔗: Fuck Me! No, Really Fuck Me! “How many did you eat?!” Jisung seemed exceedingly worried as he slammed the door behind them. “I dunno, like a handful? Were they special or something?” “I swear to god you keep this between me, you and Chan. Me and Minho take one after concerts before we head home… they have a mix of things that uhhhh spice things up.” “So they make you horny? That’s what's happening to me?” It made sense but this was way more intense than just a bit of extra spice. 
[Main Masterlist]
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lesbiancruzramirez · 3 months ago
!!! woc question game !!!
figured this would be a fun thing to do in my off time so heres some added questions for the fandom if you so feel free to answer !!
favorite minor character and why? (can range from guy with little screentime or guy with info only available on supplementary material like the books, magazines, etc.)
favorite relationship dynamic / ship and why?
favorite piece of fan content(s) and why? (can be a fic, fan art, etc. can even be your own work!!)
and extra question going off that last one: favorite piece you've made in the fandom?
under the cut is my answers to some previously asked questions!!
how did you get involved in the fandom?
i've watched the cars films before but it was only when my little brother was watching them on disney plus back when my family still paid for it that i really sat down, watched it and got invested in it.
and it hit at a very convenient time because i was phasing out of my empires/life series interest and it just snowballed from me checking out the cars tag on ao3 to skimming the pixar cars wiki to . having a whole side blog named lesbiancruzramirez
it was nice it was just me and my kid brother rewatching the cars movies over and over i even got really into cars 2 !! a fun movie actually!!! then me and him watched all the cars shorts and yeah it truly did just all start when my brother saw the cars movie in the selection of movies on disney plus and picked that to watch
favorite character and why?
tbh. cruz ramirez is kind of annoying (/heavily sarcastic. i am joking. if i ever unironically say that u can shoot me on sight 🙏)
anywho i love love love cruz ramirez 🫶 i will admit when i first kinda sort of watched cars 3 I wasn't too compelled by her but i do remember being endeared to her a lot and then upon a proper rewatch i just sort of fell in love with her she is so lovely and excitable !!! like she's just a little guy? she's just a little guy!!!
i think her whole struggle in the film is so compelling and i wish that and her character could have been expanded upon like storm and mcqueen were..... like maybe in a book or something.....
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anyways yeah i jus love her for being really silly and a dorkass racing fan whos only keenly aware of and into the women of the racing world (she only recognizes and knows louise nash among the other racing legends) and lightning mcqueen and i think thats so real of her 🫶 shes a racing fan but only for mcqueen and women 🫶 me too sis. this among other reasons is why i just love cruz shes sooo fun shes so silly shes my babygirl truly. the guy ever
any dream merch you'd like to own/see made?
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🫶 cruz ramirez tsum tsum plush 🫶
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literally any of the tsum tsum plushes actually THEYRE SO CUTE? SO LOVELY? MY BABES? MY GUYS!!!
would also love die casts of these sillies and also a couple other choice die casts like the tim treadless n natalie ones. the only merch of my favs out there
as for merch id like to see made . if ever, it probably wont be official but id like merch/die casts of some of game-only characters since some of them have such cool designs and i also really really want a candice one
favorite scene from any cars media?
uh UM . cant pick one scene but cars 3 is my fav movie so heres some top 5 of my fav scenes from cars 3 in no particular order
lmq and cruz argument. "i just never thought I couldn't" "i wish i knew what that felt like" <- makes me INSANE about them. GOD. god.,
and correspondingly i like their make-up scene where lmq does the stupid little dance and song and cruz is embarrassed as hell
the whole opening scene makes me all giddy like yay :D good times montage :D bobby cal screen time 🫶 love that for them
cruz doing doc's flip and winning the florida 500 and i would not be true cruznat fan if i didn't mention "heck of a win!" "yeah... heck of a win (gayly)"
jacksons fuckass intro scene with mcqueen. literally such a high school mean girl? "such a pleasure to finally beat you" "you heard me" "i think i touched a nerve" obsessed. what a weirdo ass freak (lovingly)
i literally remember this movie the best and!! now some honorable mentions from the other two movies!!!
my fav kaciao moment "i dedicate my win tonight to miss sally" "actually no i already dedicated my win to her" <- SUCH fun rival banter off the two of them and i think all three of them should kiss sloppy style thanks
"oh por favor señor tow truck" sorry im weak for femme fatale holly shiftwell
docs first try still giving advice to lmq and lmq sasses him "turn right to go left" is just that iconic to me tbh
and the whole "life could be dream" neon roads scene is so so beautiful!! i adore the neon aesthetic in the first cars movie and oh i miss it dearly
what is your favorite personal headcanon?
too many to choose uh um off the top of my head the sudoku obsessed natalie hc . goes hand in hand with the autism hc i love silly hcs like that
also my cruz met jackson pre cars 3 (or well. somewhere in the middle of cars 3 technically?) hc im still in the middle of writing a fic for that!!!
will update with more answers to questions later!!will be yapping more definitely when i get more off time
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